A happy Monday blog readers! While doing an application review last Friday I spoke about ROM's, I was currently playing Pokémon Ruby on my Android device. There were many comments and messages about what program I used and how to go about obtaining ROM's for game play. So today I figured why not make a blog and explain how to obtain these games. ROM’s are games from older video game systems such as Nintendo, Game boy Advanced, Playstation and Sega Genesis these games are all playable on android phones.
Every game system has a different player just like if you had a Nintendo game you would need a system to play it on; in this case you need an application from the Android market called SNESoid or NESoid. Some of the systems need a file to run such as the Game boy advanced need’s the file Bios to run the games or roms with the program. You can find Rom’s all over the internet but I have one website that I find the best. http://www.roms4droid.com this page is amazing because of the amount of game’s and support there is, let’s go over how to add these too you’re phone.
Game boy Advanced..
Download the Game boy Advanced Bios you can find this here http://www.roms4droid.com/r/gbabios.rar you must unRAR this file to add it to your phone if you don’t know how to unRAR look on yahoo for a free program to do that there’s many.
Download the game’s you want.
All the game’s you have downloaded unzip all of the files in most cases you’re able to open the folders and remove the file without unzipping but if you’re pc is running a older windows, I recommend using WinZip to unzip files.
Connect you’re USB Cord to your Android Device make sure to mount the phone so that it will be properly connected.
Make a clean file folder in your phone name it ROMS in cap letters.
Drag and drop you’re games and bios into the folder.
When you’re finished adding all you’re games and you’re bios unmount you’re android phone and unplug
Go to the Android market and look for the Emulator there is two versions free and pay I use the free and it works fine the file name is GameBOID.
After installing GameBOID turn on the program.. Click the little blue SD card, find you’re ROMS folder Click that and you will see you GBA BIOS when starting up the GameBOID it will ask for that this is how you find it. You will also see all you’re games listed you downloaded.
You’re ready to play feel free to add games anytime you like but don’t remove the BIOS or you will have to go over the steps again.
See it’s quite a simple process to play these games on your phone it just takes a little getting used to setting everything up. There are many system’s I didn’t even cover in this blog, Feel free to check out roms4droid.com there’s also instructions on their website for each game system. I hope this helped you out. Feel free to ask questions or drop a line in the comment box and thank you again for reading my blog. Enjoy the week..
All the best,
Rebecca Marie