Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Wii system is dead?

Hello everyone! Happy Saturday, I hope you all are enjoying the weekend, I'm trying to get over some kind of flue I caught nothing that can't be cured with a little Zelda Skyward sword, I've officially made it to the mining facility in the game after three weeks of intense playing. I'm hoping to finish the game within the next week; I am looking forward to that review.

Today I'm attempting a little something different, I'm currently testing out the Blogger application on my iPod touch. Reason being I would love to be able to attach files for you all to see, such as pictures and things and I believe this will make it so much easier to write short blog post and stuff that's on my mind, so far so good. One thing to note is that when I post from the Blogger app I cannot review and edit the grammar like I'd normally do on Microsoft word so please bear with my terrible spelling and grammar errors I will be editing them as soon as I get online. Thanks for always being so understandable.

Something I've witnessed in the last couple of weeks has stuck inside my head that's why I decided today to write this blog. A couple weeks I was shopping at my local Best Buy in the game section, you can't normally find me there. Anyway I overheard a conversation between a family and one of their sales associates that upset me so here goes.

A mother and father brought in their two children to buy a Wii system the children where super excited and wanting to get home and play it. When the mother told the Best Buy worker what they wanted he told the mother and father that he wouldn't buy it. His exact comment was the Nintendo Wii is a dead system with the new release of the Wii U this year, he recommended that the family buy a Xbox 360 or a playstation 3 instead. The two children insisted that they wanted the Wii as the parents struggled not knowing what they should get with zero lack of knowledge about gaming or systems.

Over the years I've noticed that people will attempt to tell others false information that's completely ridicules sometimes I wonder if it's an attempt at trying to show off a false ability of knowledge or just attempting to be cool! With the Nintendo Wii being my favorite and preferred gaming console I was super upset with what this employee was telling them.

I've also received comments and questions on my YouTube channel about the Wii system going out and my thoughts on the Wii U and that's another story for a coming blog but I can tell you my thoughts on this man’s opinion. First off take a walk down the Wii gaming isle to check out the amount of games this system has to offer, there's something for everyone from Pokémon, Mario to Zelda and mortal kombat. The Wii library is gigantic with all the great titles. Currently a brand new Wii runs around 140 dollars and comes with a 50 dollar game, Mario Kart Wii. With a next generation system coming sometime this year you will see more price drops on Wii games and possibly the Wii itself, it's the best time to get one.

Something I think people don't relies is that even when the new consuls come out it’s not right away going to replace a Wii, I believe Wii games will be available for years to come after the launch of the newest system. This year Nintendo has already announced that it will be coming out with Mario Party 9 and also Epic Mickey developers will be releasing Epic Mickey 2 these are two substantial games. With the Wii U release the Wii games aren't going to disappear off the shelf’s, the 3Ds was released last year and there still selling games and hardware along with new releases, the playstation 2 has been replaced by the ps3 for years and you can still find new games.

Anyway I'm sorry for blabbing on so much for some reason this just really hit a nerve with me. People who have zero lack of information telling people what to do. Anyway guys thank you for taking the time to read this, if you’re a YouTube subscriber please stay tuned I will be making a video soon. You guys are the greatest, thanks for the ongoing support!

                                                    Peace & love,
                                                   Rebecca Marie

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year / Blog 1 Year Old!

Hello everyone, I hope that you all are enjoying the New Year. I apologize for my shortage of blog posts but I do plan to continue my Blog throughout 2012, January 14th marks my one year anniversary on blogger last year I wrote 29 blog posts but this year I hope to compose many more blogs on topics ranging from cell phones, applications to video games. 

I try to keep my blog post and video reviews as genuine as possible so the viewer or reader will get reliable information, but keep in mind that the information posted is my opinion and my opinion alone yours may be different. I appreciate everyone who has become a member to my blogger page and those of you who are subscribers to my YouTube channel, you guy's truly are the reason why I continue to post videos and blogs, your pleasant comments are the best.

A taste of things to come, I'd like to start the year off with my thoughts on one of the most popular video games of 2011 The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, I started this game on New Year’s Eve. I am not normally a Zelda fan because of the hard puzzles but I cannot wait to give my opinion on this beauty, Nintendo really outdid their self on this one. I would also like to continue reviews on Android applications and Apple apps thanks to my new IPod touch, I can provide them also. Later in the year I plan to start a live stream for my great YouTube and Blogger audience again you guys are amazing.  

So with all that said I'm looking on to the new year, There's suppose to be some amazing technology released in 2012 along with great, Movies, Games and Music so along with them new year’s resolutions remember to enjoy life. Rejoice the coming week.
                                                                   Best wishes, 

                                                                   Sassy Tech Girl 
                                                                    Rebecca Marie