Friday, January 14, 2011

Tech Blogging Geek..

Hello fellow geeks! Finally I've found the motivation to put together the much needed blog with website coming in the following months, Have not heard of SassyTechGirl? check out my Youtube channel where you will find the latest reviews and content in the technology world today. I hope that my blog will interest you! and will help you in you're interests of tech. I will also take the time to answer some of the much asked questions on my YouTube channel that have not been addressed so stay tuned for exclusive content and videos!
                                    All The Best, 
                                                      Rebecca Marie


  1. Hi Sassy Tech Girl:

    Glad you have finally decided to get the Blog set up!

    It looks great and the Puppy of the Day is a fantastic feature.

    Love you,

  2. Thanks Craig for all your love and support! Without you I would have never got this far..
    Love you,
