Saturday, January 29, 2011

Virgin Mobile releases the Lg Optimus V

For the past few months many people have been wondering if the Lg Optimus was coming to Virgin Mobile USA. Earlier this weekend it was confirmed when someone obtained the phone from their local Target store before the release day on February 1st 2011, later during the week Virgin Mobile confirmed it on their twitter account and ever since I’ve been getting many questions about this device.

The Lg Optimus is an entry level smart phone running Android Operating system 2.2 Froyo this device has a 3 megapixel camera with autofocus and a VGA video recorder. The Memory will run 512 MB SDRAM with 170MB flash memory with a 2 GB MicroSD card included. Sprint released this phone with a Wi-Fi receiver but Virgin Mobile has blocked it on their particular device.

As I stated previously I’ve had many  questions about this phone and if I will be doing a review on it and the answer is yes as soon as I get my hands on this device there will be many videos and how to along with a full review on my thoughts. But I can already tell you by looking at the Lg Optimus V it will definitely be a great little phone.

The Optimus V will run you 149. Dollars which is quite the steal considering the Samsung intercept is nearly 250. Dollars in some retail stores. Not to mention the Samsung Intercept is running an older OS system and very sluggish at times. I will be giving a full comparison of both phones together. I think Virgin Mobile is currently topping the prepaid market with their amazing plans along with their Smartphone’s.

Please stay tuned to my YouTube channel at for more news on the LG Optimus V.

                                          Enjoy the weekend,
                                          Rebecca Marie


  1. Great post! Have you ever considered taking a shot at reviewing contract phones? I'd love to see some Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile action. I think you can contact them or visit a store about review devices, if getting a plan is an issue.

  2. Hi Dakota! Thank you for the suggestion and for reading the blog. I will look into reviewing some contract devices. Take Care!
